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Podcast Episodes Catalog

Feb. 28, 2016

173: Hope, Belief, and Self-Care for Anxiety-Panic and PTSD with Author Michele Rosenthal

Today's episode brings the wisdom of Author Michele Rosenthal who suffered with PTSD for over 25 years and is is 100% PTSD free now for over 10 years! Gina and Michele explore where healing begins and how you too can clear y…
Feb. 24, 2016

172: Calming Anxiety With Self Love And Compassion

Today's episode Gina is joined again by Coach Rachel to look at the importance of self-love and compassion when overcoming anxiety-panic.
Feb. 21, 2016

171: What The Surf Has Taught Me About My Anxiety

In this episode Gina talks with Coach Rachel about an insightful piece one of Rachel's clients wrote about her anxiety. The surf is commonly used when we discuss anxiety join us as we read and discuss one client's perspectiv…
Feb. 17, 2016

170: Brain Chemistry Lifestyle Tips For Anxiety

In today's episode Gina discusses some of the lifestyle tips that are recommended for increasing the brains own production of the neurotransmitter serotonin and decreasing the neurotransmitter dopamine. Optimal brain chemist…
Feb. 14, 2016

169: Creating Personal Space for Healing Anxiety

In this episode Coach Gina talks about the need for personal space and how we tend to lose it in our day to day activities. Ideas for how to find more personal space where the nervous system can relax and heal are included.
Feb. 10, 2016

168: 6 Ways to Distract From Anxiety

Distraction can work for us or against us. In this episode coach Gina helps us find when to distract, when it's a bad idea, and 6 different ways to use distraction to help us calm our over sensitized nervous systems.
Feb. 7, 2016

167: Clearing Stress And Anxiety With R.A.I.N.

In this episode coach Gina introduces the acronym RAIN to help remind us how to be with the what is-ness of our thoughts and life situations. This is a reminder Gina learned years ago from meditation teacher and author Tara …
Feb. 3, 2016

166: Mindfulness To Curb Food Anxiety

Food anxiety on both ends of the spectrum are discussed in today's episode. Using the qualities of mindfulness to overcome the distress caused by food fears and distress.
Jan. 31, 2016

165: Work Stress and Anxiety -Tips For Shifting Perspective

Work and stress sometimes feel synonymous. Today's episode explores a number of ways to begin to shift out of the unconscious work routine and bring mindfulness an therefor less stress to the daily routine of our job.
Jan. 27, 2016

164: How To Ease Into A Formal Meditation Practice For Anxiety

In today's episode we break down step by step the "How To" for formal sitting meditation practice when you have anxiety. From how long to where and what to do with difficult thoughts and feelings coach Gina walks us through …
Jan. 24, 2016

163: Easing Stress And Anxiety Through Your Environment

This episode takes a look at the environment we live in and how it impacts our levels of stress and anxiety. Gina interviews Desha Peacock who shares her "Sweet Spot Style" way of finding ease and creativity in our living en…
Jan. 20, 2016

162: Anxiety And Happiness Gems From Eckhart Tolle

Today's podcast is a review of 10 powerful insights or as coach Gina calls them --Anxiety and Happiness Gems from Eckhart Tolle. Get a good idea of Eckhart Tolle's perspective on Anxiety and Happiness!
Jan. 17, 2016

161: How To Find Relief from Relationship Anxiety

When anxiety is kicked into high gear from our "what if" questions in our relationship (romantic or otherwise) we suffer alone! Listen in for where judgment comes into play and how the inner critic makes matters even more ch…
Jan. 13, 2016

160: How Stress And Anxiety Are Fueled By Black and White Thinking

This episode takes a look at the black, white and gray areas of life getting a grip on the gray as unpredictable, confusing, and may even seem unfair. Using the power of our thinking to see the black in the white, the white …
Jan. 10, 2016

159: Anxiety Relief With Aromatherapy

Today we learn about using aromatherapy for four types of anxiety. Tense, Restless, Apprehensive and Repressed anxiety. All these subcategories of anxiety are soothed using the art of aromatherapy, a thousand year old use of…
Jan. 6, 2016

158: Stress and Anxiety Early Signs and Interventions

Today's podcast takes a step back to look at the early signs and interventions with stress and anxiety. The AMA estimates that 80% of illness is stress related, today Gina takes a look at the risks, both mental and physical …
Jan. 3, 2016

157: Responding vs Reacting When Anxiety Strikes

Today's episode Coach Gina takes an interesting look at what anxiety is telling us to do. Borrowing from DBT skills Gina shows us how anxiety's commands of leave now, lash out now, stop driving now can all be fodder for the …
Dec. 30, 2015

156: Relaxing Anxiety About Imperfections

On this last episode of 2015 Coach Gina takes a look at the cost of seeking perfection. How using the Japanese view of wabi-sabi (acceptance of imperfection) we can see our anxiety as a gift ...making us and our lives even m…