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Podcast Episodes Catalog

Aug. 14, 2016

221: Reconnecting To Your Wise Mind to help Clear Anxiety

Learn what your Wise Mind is and how to access its intuitive anxiety-panic healing messages. Gina guides you through a quick meditation locating your wise mind which is perhaps not where you expected :)
Aug. 10, 2016

220: Common Anxiety Behaviors

12 Common Anxiety Behaviors are the focus of Gina's episode today. Join in as the signs and red flags of anxiety are discussed.
Aug. 7, 2016

219: Building Self Compassion Through Anxiety

Could anxiety have a silver lining? Join in today as Gina takes a close look at self-compassion and how it not only is a way out of anxiety-panic but also a skill that will serve you for a lifetime of joy!
Aug. 3, 2016

218: Is Your Anxiety Triggered By Blood Sugar Crashes?

Join Gina as she explores the effect sugar, refined carbohydrates and crashing blood sugar have on your anxiety.
July 31, 2016

217: Helping Family And Friends To Help You With Anxiety. Listener Q and A

This episode explores what to say to family and friends who don't seem to quite "get" your anxiety-panic. Join Gina as she offers guidelines for these tender conversations.
July 27, 2016

216: Using The Power Of Small Breaks To Reduce Anxiety

In today's episode Gina reminds us how the small breaks in our busy days can bring us more energy, peace, and space to heal. Listen in and find out where you can insert a few small breaks in your day.
July 24, 2016

215: Basic Nutrition for Anxiety

Today Gina takes a very basic look at the first step in nutritional changes for clearing anxiety-panic. Listen in and watch for more nutritional nutritional guidance in upcoming episodes!
July 20, 2016

214: Listener Q and A Differences Between Depression and Anxiety

In today's episode Gina answers a listener's question about the difference between anxiety and depression and how both are able to be cleared even if you have both!
July 17, 2016

213: Welcoming Anxiety As A Guest -Accepting

In today's episode Gina reads "The Guest House" by Rumi and translated by Coleman Barks. The reading helps us see acceptance from new and powerful point of view.
July 13, 2016

212: Hyperventilation And Shortness Of Breath With Anxiety

Today Gina shares information on how we get into and out of challenging breathing patterns, the magnesium connection and why we may feel so tired!
July 10, 2016

211: Bedtime Meditation for Anxious Children (and Adults)

Sweet sleep... we are not the only one's who may have trouble falling into it easily. Today's episode is for parents who have children who have night time stress and difficulty falling asleep.
July 6, 2016

210: What is Anxiety and How You Can you Get Free?

Today Gina reviews what anxiety is and points to the way out. What it is, what works and what doesn't for new listeners and a refresher for everyone :)
July 3, 2016

209: Anxiety and Our Emotions Listener Question Answered

Today Gina answers a listener Q about emotions and anxiety and what to do to get to the other side. How to distract ourselves and why we feel so emotional.
June 29, 2016

208: Navigating The Storms Of ADHD And Anxiety With James Ochoa

Today Gina has an informative conversation with the author of Focused Forward by James Ochoa. Join in as they navigate the storms of adult ADHD and anxiety.
June 26, 2016

207: Anxiety One Day At A Time

Today Gina reminds us that we can have peace and care for ourselves even in the midst of other peoples chaos by remembering our way back to the heart.
June 22, 2016

206: Healing The Anxiety Of Time

Today Gina reviews a number of ways to heal ourselves from the anxiety that time places on us. Using Awareness and our senses we can make time our friend!
June 19, 2016

205: The ABC's Of Acceptance As A Path To Clearing Anxiety

Today Gina dives into the ABCs Of Acceptance As A Path To Clearing Anxiety. Join in and learn why acceptance, although it seems counter intuitive and passive, is actually the courageous way out!
June 15, 2016

204: Embracing Fear and Anxiety with Thom Rutledge

Today Gina has a conversation with author and psychotherapist Thom Rutledge. Join us for Thom's fabulous insights and delightful humor.
June 12, 2016

203: You 1 Anxiety 0 Conversation With Jodi Aman

Coach Gina welcomes author Jodi Aman to discuss Jodi's journey through anxiety and her latest book Anxiety1 You 0. It is always a treat to hear success stories and tips on how you can move through your anxiety-panic too.
June 8, 2016

202: Some Days, You Just Have Nothing --Comments on Leo Babauta’s Post

In today's episode Gina reads and comments on the writer Leo Babauta's post: Some Days, You Just Have Nothing looking at it through the eyes of someone with anxiety. Leo's post shows just how normal it is to have painful fee…
June 5, 2016

201: The Harmony Exercise for Anxiety with John Denney

Join Coach Gina and guest John Denney as John guides you through one of the sections of The Harmony Exercise. Simple yet transformational!
June 1, 2016

200: Face, Accept, Float, and Time for Anxiety Clearing

Today's episode explores Claire Weekes' four directions Face, Accept, Float and Letting time pass for clearing Anxiety-Panic for life.
May 29, 2016

199: Revealing Anxiety’s Many Faces

Today's episode coach Gina explores the many faces of anxiety and the common thread way to clear or over come it for life.
May 25, 2016

198: Anxiety, Gratitude and CELEBRATIONS

Today's episode CELEBRATES Anxiety Coaches Podcast hitting One Million Downloads! Join in for celebration gifts and plenty of gratitude.